Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 13, 2010

Hello everyone....

I'm on the downhill slide in my classes....only 4 more to go and then 2 all day classes on Saturdays in September! Woo Hoo!

Last nights class was on building family relationships! Many times when children are placed in the foster care system, reuinification is the goal with returning to the family. I have very mixed emotions about this but understand the bigger picture. When the child can't be safely returned home, the possibility of terminating rights of the parents may occur and the child may need to be placed in an adopted situation. Children have emotions in this process and the act of saying "goodbye" to their parents can be difficult, but in the best interest of the child. Its hard to believe that a child would ever be removed from their home because someone abused and neglected them. Unfathomable to me!

It's important to develop a LifeBook for the children that come into our lives....a book of history that they may take back with them to their parents or to where ever they may go. So many times, children move from home to home, and have no tangible objects of their time in that home. It's sad to me that a LifeBook of memories has to be done...not the book itself, but the purpose of it!

Classes are going well. We said goodbye to one of the Social Workers as she is taking another job. Amanda started out with me in the beginning of this process and I wish her the best.

On another note....we discussed "planning" for the future and as usual I am thinking ahead! It's important to know your community resources and how they will best work with your adoptive child and whatever special needs they may have...I have talked with several people at Ash Grove schools and I feel that is the best school that I would feel comfortable sending my child too. Ya know...that's where I grew up and I turned out okay! With that said, I am hopefully moving back towards "the grove" and will post more about that later. I have found a house and am going to look at it again tonight.....Hope it all works out! Would be nice to be closer to all the family and the kids especially!

Well I better get off here and head to work! Have a BLESSED day and thank you for all your support! I had a fellow member of my class, Annette, last night say how much she admired me doing this (being single).....thanks to her for affirming that my decision that becoming a mom to a special needs child is a blessing!

Until next time....

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